Protect your customers home whilst you are carrying out work. For complete protection use the award-winning Packexe range of protection products, providing secure, leak proof protection for floors and surfaces for all painting and decorating jobs.
Find the right product for your job

A safer alternative to dustsheets
No rucking, no slipping, waterproof protection
Use Packexe products for secure leak-proof protection when carrying out any trades jobs in your customers home.

Protection products
Protect your floors and surfaces
Our award-winning, certified low-slip branded products protect
any surface whilst building, painting, decorating or moving.

Saves you time and money
Quick and easy application
Bespoke dispensers are available for all protection films protect
every surface quickly and easily.
“Packexe Carpet protector is must in all homes for trades 5 star protection and no dust sheets on stairs.”
MTP Plumbing and Heating
Apply Packexe® Carpet
Watch our instructional video showing how to correctly apply Packexe® Carpet Protector to carpets or rugs
Apply Packexe® Hardfloor
Watch our instructional video showing how to correctly apply Packexe® Hardfloor to wood, tile, stone, ceramic, and vinyl surfaces.
Apply Packexe® Fleece
Watch our instructional video showing how to correctly apply Packexe® Fleece to reduce potential impact damage.
Apply Packexe® Glass & Glazing
Watch our instructional video showing how to correctly apply Packexe® Glass & Glazing to protect windows from plaster, paint, sanding…